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#+-| A_BOF() |-------------------------------------------------+##############
#| +---------+ Verify if last skip operation accessed record 0 |##############
#+--| Summary |------------------+############################################
#|     #INCLUDE database.hdr     |############################################
#+--| Syntax |------------------------------+#################################
#|     FUNCTION LOGICAL a_bof PROTOTYPE     |#################################
#|      PARAMETERS ALIAS aliasname          |#################################
#####+---| Description |------------------------------------------------+#####
#####| The a_bof() function verifies whether the last skip operation    |#####
#####| for the specified aliasname caused the record pointer to try to  |#####
#####| access record 0, the beginning of the file.  The a_bof() flag is |#####
#####| cleared on the next skip operation, unless it also encounters    |#####
#####| a_bof().  The a_bof() flag is also cleared when the record       |#####
#####| pointer is adjusted by any database command,                     |#####
#####| e.g., GOTO, SEEK etc.                                            |#####
#####| ---------------------------------------------------------------- |#####
#####| The a_bof() function performs identically to the bof() function. |#####
#####| a_bof() differs syntactically in that it accepts an alias as a   |#####
#####| parameter.                                                       |#####
#######+--| Design |--------------------------------------------------+#######
#######| Use a_bof() when your application has more than one database |#######
#######| open at one time.  The a_bof() function eliminates the need  |#######
#######| to manage the current workarea.                              |#######
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Print the prices of an item, starting at the        |#########
#########| *    most expensive.  (Database is indexed on price.)    |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| GOTO BOTTOM                                              |#########
#########| DO WHILE .NOT. a_bof ( parts )                           |#########
#########|     ? parts->pnum, parts->desc, parts->price             |#########
#########|     SKIP -1                                              |#########
#########| ENDDO                                                    |#########
#########+--| Example 2 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Skip backwards to find the "parent" of a "child"    |#########
#########| *    record.  (i.e., the data is organized in a "tree",  |#########
#########| *    much like a directory.                              |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| current_level = t->level                                 |#########
#########| DO WHILE t->level >= current_level                       |#########
#########|     SKIP -1                                              |#########
#########|     IF a_eof( t )                                        |#########
#########|         ? "Error: Parent not found."                     |#########
#########|         EXIT                                             |#########
#########|     ENDIF                                                |#########
#########| ENDDO                                                    |#########
#########+--| Example 3 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    An alias can be a parameter to a PROCEDURE or       |#########
#########| *    FUNCTION.  Here is a generic "skip Back" routine    |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| PROCEDURE skip_back                                      |#########
#########|  PARAMETERS ALIAS cur_alias                              |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########|     !cur_alias GOTO BOTTOM                               |#########
#########|     DO WHILE .NOT. a_bof( cur_alias )                    |#########
#########|         {...}                                            |#########
#########|         !cur_alias SKIP                                  |#########
#########|     ENDDO                                                |#########
#########| ENDPRO                                                   |#########

See Also: a_eof() eof()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson